3 Los Angeles/Orange County Alumni Chapter, happy hour at the World Cafe, 2820 Main (at Ashland), Santa Monica, 6:30 p.m. Call Kathy Bowman '84, (310) 937-9842.
5 Law School Alumni Association, Dean's Advisory Council meeting, Buehler Alumni and Visitors Center, 10 a.m.1 p.m. Call the law school, (916) 752-6679.
11 Law School Alumni Association, reception at the California State Bar Association annual meeting, Long Beach, 5:307 p.m. Call the law school, (916) 752-6679.
14 Los Angeles/Orange County Alumni Chapter, Aggie football at California State University, Northridge. Call Kathy Bowman '84, (310) 937-9842.
18 Law School Alumni Association, third annual 1L's Trip to the State Capitol, 3:45 p.m. Alumni reception following at Senator office building (the former Senator Hotel), Sacramento, 56:30 p.m. Call the law school, (916) 752-6679.
25 Cal Aggie Alumni Association 1996 Alumni Awards Ceremony, Buehler Alumni and Visitors Center, 5:30 p.m. Call (916) 752-0286 or (800) 242-GRAD (California only) for more information.
25 ASUCD Homecoming bonfire and pep rally, Russell and California streets (Primero Field), 9 p.m.
26 Cal Aggie Alumni Association Golden Society, classes of '46 and earlier reunion brunch. University Club, 11 a.m. Call (916) 752-0286 or (800) 242-GRAD for more information.
29 Sacramento Aggie Club, Evening Eyeopener, political science professor Larry Berman will speak about the 1996 presidential election, 67:30 p.m. Call David Sandino '80, (916) 758-9774.
2 Law School Alumni Association, board meeting, Buehler Alumni and Visitors Center, 10 a.m.1 p.m. Call the law school, (916) 752-6679.
7 Los Angeles/Orange County Chapter, happy hour at Crown City Brewery, 300 S. Raymond (at Del Mar), Pasadena, 6:30 p.m. Call Kathy Bowman '84, (310) 937-9842.
9 Sonoma County Chapter, Aggies vs. California State University, Sonoma, football game. Party, 11 a.m; game, 1 p.m. Call Jeff James '85, (707) 575-6370.
3 National Capital Chapter,
Second annual All-UC holiday party. Celebrate the holidays with UC alumni in Washington, D.C. Cannon Caucus Room, 710 p.m. Call Jon Kessmeier '91, (703) 556-7097.
5 Los Angeles/Orange County Chapter, happy hour at Tijuana's, 14988 Sand Canyon, Irvine, 6:30 p.m. Call Kathy Bowman '84, (310) 937-9842.
5 School of Medicine Alumni Association, board of directors quarterly meeting, UC Davis Medical Center. Call Liz Konold, (916) 734-9410.
16 Los Angeles/Orange County Chapter, planning meeting, Redondo Beach. Call Kathy Bowman '84, (310) 937-9842.