UC Davis Magazine

Letters to the Editor

The lovers--still

"The Lovers" (in Campus Views, summer '98) brought back a flood of memories of my college boyfriend and myself--that story could have been describing us, except that the classroom settings would have been "History of West Africa," "Entomology" or "Geography of South Asia." Yes, we held hands during lectures, scooted our chairs together as close as they would get and sat at the back of the class. I even think the "West Africa" professor pulled a grade-school tactic on us and moved us to the front of the class so we would pay better attention. My apologies to all whom we nauseated with our lovesickness, but happily I can say that three days after graduation I married that man, and eight and a half years and three boys later we are still each other's lovers. I guess we were so unabashedly romantic during all our waking hours because we were committed to spending all our sleeping hours apart. In short, we were committed to abstinence until marriage. This enhanced the romance of our courtship and has given us a solid ground of trust regarding faithfulness throughout our marriage. I highly recommend this lovesick path!

Susan (Cunliffe) Boyd '89
via e-mail

Contents Letters