Student hangouts I attended Davis from 1952 to 1959 and don't remember the pizza parlor with a "backroom" Dixieland jazz band in "downtown" Davis, wherever that was ["Where Were You in '62?" summer 1999 issue]. Mr. John L. Stoner does seem to describe Shakey's Pizza Parlor in Sacramento out near Sac State, which was frequented by Aggies. Shakey's had the front parlor for kiddies and a back room similar to the one Mr. Stoner describes, where lots of beer was served along with good Dixieland several times a week. If I remember correctly, males had to be 24 years of age and escorted females 21 to get into the backroom. The one and only Shakey often stood guard at the door to that wild bistro. The upper photos on page 40 . . . were taken for "my" '57 El Rodeo yearbook, probably by Chief Photographer Bob Nugent. The booth photo with the two couples was in the advertisement (support) section paid for by Paisano's (thank you, Paisano's). The empty barroom was a background photo taken for artist Dick McCapes' wonderful drawing that introduced the sports section of the yearbook. That photo was taken at the Davis Y, run by Larry Blake. Yes, that is the same (Dr.) Dick McCapes now at the School of Veterinary Medicine. If I missed the pizza parlor in downtown Davis that featured Dixieland, I'm really sorry about that! I suggest more research on this important subject.
Charles W. Jenner '57, D.V.M. '59