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UC Davis Magazine

Volume 30 · Number 3 · Spring 2013

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Here come the foodies!

Two female students with scientific instruments in a food science lab at UC Davis They’ve followed different paths, but each journey has led to the same destination — UC Davis. Here, these foodies hope to marry their love for food, flavor and cooking with a fascination for the science that lies behind it all.

Recipe for a Food-Science Fusion

Graduate student testing texture of a potato in a food lab at UC Davis What happens when you combine the passion for food and the love of science into one person on one path? You create a powerful food-science fusion, personified by graduate student Ali Bouzari.


Older Latino couple, smiling From birth to old age, California’s burgeoning Latino population is experiencing its own unique set of health problems. A wide array of experts from UC Davis Health System and the Davis campus are working to improve the prognosis.