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UC Davis Magazine

Volume 28 · Number 3 · Spring 2011

Campus Views

Coho Stained Glass

Recognize this stained-glass window? David Rible ’76 made it when he worked in the original Coffee House, in the old East Hall. How much else do you know about CoHo history? Take our online quiz.

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Read about the travels of one alum’s copy of the Coffee House Cookbook in “Aggies Remember."

The Coffee House is back!

The location is the same, and chicken tettrazzini and other favorites are still on the menu. But the look of the CoHo is all new.

The reviews are in, and most of them are giving five stars to the ASUCD Coffee House, which reopened in October after a renovation project that shut down the campus culinary landmark for more than a year.

“The wait was miserable, but it was worth it,” Lucy Bunch, the campus’s assistant budget director, said during a recent lunch.

The Coffee House moved to its present location in the Memorial Union’s west wing in 1990. Time and a growing enrollment took a toll — leading to the renovation and expansion that cost about $8 million. Students voted in 2004 to boost their fees by $8 a quarter to pay for the project.

In the old CoHo, people who came in together often found themselves splitting up to go to different parts of the building for different kinds of food. Now, all but two of the food stations are in the same room: the Marketplace. It features a circular layout with five counters: Cooks Homestyle Favorites, where you’ll find the tetrazzini and other CoHo casseroles; the “Tx-Mx” grill; Croutons, the new place for salads; The Fickle Pickle Deli, for sandwiches and bagels; and Chopstixx, the CoHo’s popular pho bar, plus sushi.

The Marketplace exits to a new cashier area and the corridor that provides access to the dining rooms, Ciao Pizza and Pasta, and the Swirlz coffee and bakery bar.

Dave Jones is editor of Dateline UC Davis.