Volume 29 · Number 4 · Summer 2012
Goodbye, and thanks for reading
After helping to shape every issue of UC Davis Magazine, a design alum steps out of the 'staff box' and retires his read pen.
The original caption for this photo from the first issue of UC Davis Magazine read, "Graphic Artist Jan Conroy of Repro Graphics is seen here preparing artwork during one of the developmental stages of the 75th Anniversary Celebration 'logo.'" Ironically, Conroy later became the campus "logo cop," and now would like to officially apologize for bastardizing the UC Davis seal to create the 75th anniversary "logo."
Dear readers,
I've never properly said hello to you, yet after 29 years with UC Davis Magazine, I'm saying goodbye. You haven't seen my byline before, but I've played a part in every issue of this magazine since its birth in 1983. If there's a prize for stubbornness and longevity, I win.
The magazine was launched as part of UC Davis' 75th anniversary celebration, five years after I earned my bachelor's degree in design from UC Davis. As a graphic artist for the campus Repro Graphics department, I was tapped to help lay out pages for the first issue, and many that followed. The photo of me (right) from Vol. 1, No. 1, offers proof that I was there — and that I used to have a lot more hair.
Now, after four years here as a student and 35 more as a designer, editor, publications manager and University Communications executive director, I'm really "graduating" from this place — into retirement. Vol. 29, No. 4 of UC Davis Magazine is my last.
I hope and believe that the magazine has lived up to its founders' expectations.
Certainly UC Davis itself has exceeded expectations by almost all measures. This is not your father's and mother's university any more.
And yet it still is.
We still value the teaching, research and public service missions of the university. And we value and welcome each generation of students who come here to learn, to stretch and grow, and ultimately to contribute in their turn.
My tenure here has been a time of great challenges and great satisfaction. With profound changes in almost all facets of publishing, the advent of the Web and great people coming and going, it's been an ever evolving, never boring journey. And the fount of compelling stories has never slackened.
I'll certainly miss my colleagues and the pleasure of this work, but I happily leave the magazine to the core team of Mitchel Benson, Kathleen Holder, Clifton Parker and Jay Leek, who are supported by dozens of willing and talented colleagues throughout UC Davis.
I want to thank some of those who contributed most directly to the magazine during my time — all colleagues and friends. It's a long list and by no means complete; my apologies to those left out inadvertently. These are the unit leaders, whose vision shaped campus communications and guided the magazine's development, the editors, designers, photographers and writers, the Web team, the student interns and the many people who managed the mailing lists, paid the bills, negotiated the contracts, guided us through the postal thickets and saved us every possible penny. Roll credits!
Unit leaders
Bob Bynum, Maril Stratton, Lisa Lapin, Mitchel Benson, Barry Shiller
Managing editors
Jeff March, Teri Bachman, M.A. '82, Kathleen Holder
Associate editors
Barbara Anderson, Marti Childs, Kathleen Holder, Clifton Parker
Art directors
Rob Maddock, Jan Conroy '77, Jay Leek
Laurie Lewis, Julia Drake, Scott Ahrens, Adriana Perez '95, Keith Stevenson '83–'88, Melissa Kuss '99, Jay Leek, Russell Thebaud, Lisa (Wade) Wells '03
Jack Kelly Clark '67, Gabriel Unda, Neil Michel '91, M.A. '93, Debbie Aldridge, Karin Higgins, Cheng Saechao '07, Gregory Urquiaga
Barbara Anderson, Pat Bailey '77, Robin DeRieux, Julia Ann Easley, Andy Fell, Kathleen Holder, Angela Hokenson, Mark Honbo '95, Dave Jones, Sue Jones, M.A. '98, Ada McAdow '91, Claudia Morain, Carol Morton, David Ong, Clifton Parker, Paul Pfotenhauer '72, Susanne Rockwell '74, M.A. '96, Mike Robles, Arlene Snyder '73, M.S. '75, Karen Watson, Trina Wood '96, Sylvia Wright
Web team
Craig Farris '82, Kevin Liu '03, Elliot Lopez, Joshua Morris, Jeremy Postlethwaite, Rick Hill '76, M.A. '82, Jessica Hayes
Technical and administrative support
Jean Canary, Jen Carmichael, Linda Rodden '75, Rosemary Martin-Ocampo, Chris Lumm, Angie Malloy, Heidi Bertero, Amy Rafferty, Marianne Mendez, Kerie Holck, John Finazzo '81
Student interns
Willow Cook '98, Anna Hennings '07, Clare Homan '96, M.A. '03, Nora Kenney '95, Nancy Lo '93, Erin Loury '07, Joe Mills, Ph.D. '98, Elizabeth Stitt '11, Paiching Wei '93 and dozens more, who helped and learned and kept us young.
Finally, I sincerely thank you readers, more than 230,000 strong, for your loyalty and interest over the years. I look forward to joining you and enjoying many more issues of UC Davis Magazine, in print and in its evolving electronic forms, as it lives on!