UC Davis Magazine Online
Volume 22
Number 4
Summer 2005
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Our House

From high style to parking woes—a look at student living today.




Increasingly, students are opting for houses in the community. “Years ago a student might be in Davis two or three years before moving into a house,” says Becky King, CEO of King Properties, which manages 300 mostly single-family homes in town. “Now we’re seeing students right out of the dorms. It has to do with privacy. They are telling us they need quiet to study. They may still have several roommates, but they don’t want to be in an apartment with a number of units.” Also contributing to the number of students renting homes is an uptick in the supply. Recent years of low interest rates and the escalating value of Davis real estate have made it a good investment not only for landlords but also for parents of students, like 2002–03 ASUCD president Chia-Saun Lai’s parents. When Lai graduated he rented the house to this past year’s ASUCD president Kalen Gallagher (top photo and and at far left in middle photo), who shares it with three roommates, including Parviz Mossaed and Behzad Farahbakhsh. Photos by Debbie Aldridge.


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