UC Davis Magazine Online
Volume 22
Number 4
Summer 2005
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Our House

From high style to parking woes—a look at student living today.


To find an example of the latest in amenities and high style, you need look no further than the northern edge of campus to UC Davis’ newest freshman housing option: Segundo North. These three four-story buildings are to traditional dorms what Ikea shelving systems are to brick-and-board bookcases. “We tried to create several levels of communities,” said Student Housing Director Bob Smiggen about the facility’s award-winning design. Gone is the square box with long, dark hallways and doors opening on either side. Instead the two-person rooms are clustered in groups of four with a shared bathroom and a small gathering area in a zigzagging hallway. Amenities include a lounge on each floor, a high-speed computer line to every desk, covered bike parking, separate storage areas, windows that open, high-quality furnishings and attention to decorative elements like trellises, color, lighting, and wood and tile highlights. Top, freshmen Stella Yee (from left), Katy Berrey and Clara Yang of Segundo North’s Miller Hall chat in the gathering area between their rooms. Photos by Debbie Aldridge.

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