UC Davis Magazine Online
Volume 22
Number 4
Summer 2005
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Our House

From high style to parking woes—a look at student living today.



While the campus has traditionally provided housing for all freshmen (and still does), new partnerships with private developers have allowed the campus to provide additional units for sophomores and beyond. The campus gives a long-term land lease to private developers, who build and manage the housing facilities. This arrangement has brought to campus new family housing (Russell Park), specialty houses (Greek houses, student co-ops and an African Diaspora House) and two new apartment complexes (The Colleges at La Rue and the Atriums at La Rue Park). Sophomore Parisa Manteghi has her own one-bedroom apartment at The Colleges. She likes the proximity to the central campus and the college atmosphere and plans to live there until she graduates. Photos by Debbie Aldridge.

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