UC Davis Magazine Online
Volume 21
Number 1
Fall 2003
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Features: Open 24 Hours | Unseen Places | Eden Again | Educating Innovators

Unseen Places

By Barbara Anderson

You think you know the place. The Quad. The Coffee House. The dorms. Hickey Gym and 194 Chem. To those who study and work here, the UC Davis campus soon becomes comfortable and predictable, the same sights in their same places—like your home neighborhood, only with more acreage. But all neighborhoods have their out-of-the-way places, and the UC Davis neighborhood is no exception. In small rooms and quiet labs, behind the scenes and beyond the main campus, are undiscovered locales, undisturbed by the teeming masses of humanity that frequent the MU or Shields. As another academic year gets under way, we offer you a glimpse of some of UC Davis’ unseen places. Join us on the unbeaten path.

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